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Meet Our Inspiring Teachers

They make it happen

Izzi Science for kids is a project launched by a team of independent teachers and intended to spark children’s interest in science from an early age. Some of our teachers train the national teams representing Bulgaria in international competitions in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.


Димитър Желев

Dimitar Zhelev, PhD

World and BG Geography

Dimitar has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Geology and Geography at Sofia University since 2017. He has participated in a number of international projects and expeditions. He is the author of several books and articles and a co-founder of the website

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Боян Петров

Boyan Petrov

World and BG Geography
Кристиян Кирилов

Kristian Kirilov

World and BG Geography
Николай Теохаров

Nikolay Teoharov

Nelly Ivanova_web

Nelly Ivanova


Nelly has a master’s degree in Journalism and another master’s degree from the Department of Physics at Sofia University. She has completed several internships at NASA, CERN, and an observatory in the Netherlands. Nelly devised the educational programmes at Muzeiko Children’s Science Centre.

Борис Толев

Boris Tolev


Boyan Todorov, PhD, Associate Professor


Hristo Veselinski

Тиберий Баръмов

Tiberius Baramov

World and BG History

Tiberius has years of experience in teaching Bulgarian and World History. He wants his students to be able to understand the logic of events and draw conclusions based on historical data rather than simply memorising historical dates.

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Алекс Стайков

Alex Staikov

World and BG History
Silviya Kotseva

Silviya Kotseva


Choosing to be a teacher makes me able to invest my time in both things I care the most - science and children.


Adelina Stoyanova


Аделина е университетски преподавател по екология и устойчиво използване на природни ресурси.
Автор е на научи статии и публикации.
Занимава се с обучение на деца от повече от 10 години и за нея работа с тях е кауза и вдъхновение.

Albena Yochkova_web

Albena Yochkova


Zdravko Peev

Board Games

Zdravko is a scientist by education and a historian by vocation. He has taken part in clinical research and historical reconstructions of fascinating, key events in the history of Bulgaria. Zdravko believes that he can be instrumental in helping children cultivate respect for science and use it as a powerful tool of thought.

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Lower Secondary


Sofiya Gecheva

Bulgarian language and world literature

Sofia believes that her enthusiasm and keenness can help students discover the enjoyment of learning. She has long experience in teaching Bulgarian at reputable schools.

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Yoneta Astinova

Bulgarian language and world literature

За нея е важно да разпалва въображението на учениците и да провокира тяхното мислене. Йонета идва с богат преподавателски опит, чрез който буди стремежа на учениците да откриват и опознават света.

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Nadezhda Metodieva

Bulgarian language and world literature

Nadejda has many years of experience as a teacher of Bulgarian language and literature in public schools. She believes being a teacher is a big responsibility, so she works with her students with a lot of love and patience. Nadejda will support their creativeness and will help them develop as literate and thinking young people.

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Елза Тодорова

Elza Todorova


С дългогодишния си преподавателски опит в СМГ Елза ще научи учениците на правилните подходи за справяне с математическите предизвикателства.

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Nevena Sabeva


Nevena believes she will help children become keen on maths challenges and find the most rational solutions. She is the author of collections and textbooks in mathematics.

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Tanya Didova


Tanya feels most satisfied when instead of the well-known line, often expressed with a bit of annoyance: “Why do we have to learn Math?!”, her students say: “I want to learn math”. Thanks to the children, Tanya always feels she’s in the right place.

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Emil Kolev


Lilyana Demebukova


An experienced primary mathematics teacher with over 30 years of expertise. She helps young students to develop their logical and rational thinking and to approach a difficult math problem as if it were a challenge they need to deal with.

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Stoyan Boev

Nikoleta Simeonova_web

Nikoleta Simeonova

Math - Cambridge International

Taking a positive approach, Nikoleta has managed to discover the beauty of maths for kids aged 10 to 14. She has lead dozens of 7th graders to success in international exams in mathematics and English.

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Mihail Kotsev

Math - Cambridge International

Mihail graduated from the University of Durham. He believes that if mathematics is viewed as a series of logical arguments, it can be genuinely useful for students to develop their thinking and culture.

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Mariana Raikova

Computer Science & Technology

Desislava Vasileva

English Language - Cambridge International

Dessislava has experience as a teacher in international schools. With her positive approach to students, she will strive to support them in their development as thinking, knowledgeable and capable people.

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Violeta Petrova

English Language - Cambridge International

Violeta has gained hands-on experience in teaching English to children of various ages and has studied different teaching methodologies. She strongly believes that the attitude and regard on the part of the teacher can make a difference in the teaching process.

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Eli Bogdanovska

English Language - Cambridge International
Svetoslav Radulov_web

Svetoslav Radulov

German Language
Maria Ivanova_web

Maria Ivanova

German Language
Georgi Kirilov

Georgi Kirilov

Finance and Math

Georgi is a chartered accountant with long experience in accounting and corporate finance in London, Geneva and Bulgaria. His job involves working on interactive business simulation games under licence from Business Today Simulations International.

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Agnesa Lineva

Agnesa Lineva

Project Management
Venelin Petkov_web

Venelin Petkov

Global Perspectives

Venelin Petkov is a journalist and a longtime news editor in leading Bulgarian media. His work has taken him to a number of exciting and enriching places and has met him with interesting people all over the world. He has been passing down this knowledge to learners.

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Primary - Preschool


Vladimira Dinova

Primary Teacher

Vladi has 20 years’ experience as a primary teacher and considers the core subjects of maths and Bulgarian as her greatest strength. While working with young learners, her guiding principle is that where determination is not enough, it is the power of love that will make things happen.

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Detelina Valkova

Primary Teacher

Detelina Valkova is a primary teacher with vast experience in reputable private schools. She says that teaching primary students is an enormous responsibility since children need positive role models to build and develop their characters during formative years.

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Новка Тодорова_c

Novka Todorova

Primary Teacher

For Novka Todorova teaching young children is a mission. She believes that a teacher must show love and patience despite the day-to-day challenges.

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Desislava Todorova_web

Desislava Todorvoa

Primary Teacher
Ели Войнова_c

Ellie Voinova

Primary Teacher

Ellie has a radiant and positive personality. She is a teacher who has a great love for children, inspiring them and nurturing their hidden talents.

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Kristina Vasileva

Primary Teacher

In addition to passing on the necessary knowledge of Bulgarian language and mathematics, she strives to teach children a positive attitude, nurture their curiosity, and instil values and virtues in them.

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Liliya Daskalova

Primary Teacher

Lily has been working as a teacher for more than 20 years and despite her experience, she never ceased to be amazed by the genuine of children`s mind. For Lily, her students are an inspiration and a cause. In her work she values the ability to discover and develop the potential of each child.

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Sevdalina Manova_web

Sevdalina Manova

Primary English Language - Cambridge International

Sevdi has a Bachelor’s degree in English Philology from SWU and a Master’s degree in Speech Therapy from Sofia University. She attended a Montessori training programme at MCI, London. Sevdi has diverse experience in childcare and teaching English as a foreign language.

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Nicol Nikolova_web

Nicole Nicolova

Primary English Language - Cambridge International

Ivelina Kazakova

English Language - Cambridge International

Ivelina has been teaching English for 20 years. She likes the most ordinary things - writing and traveling. Her dream is to plant a flower in the quietest place in the world.

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Yoanna Sigridova_web

Yoanna Sigridova

Primary Math - Cambridge International

Yoanna has “the soul of an architect”, the heart of an artist and the mission to be a teacher. Using a creative approach, she helps students find the practical aspect of new knowledge and develop their logical thinking.

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Daniela Krasteva_web

Daniela Krusteva

Preschool teacher

Dani has been working with children aged 3 to 7 for more than 10 years. She believes that young students learn easily through the personal bond created with the teacher who has inspired and appreciated them and has helped them build their self-confidence.

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Albena Kachamakova_web

Albena Kachamakova

Preschool teacher

Albena is an experienced primary teacher working with preschoolers. She has over 10 years of experience in teaching primary and pre-primary schoolchildren. Her passion is mountain hiking and she often shares with the kids the beauty of nature captured by her camera.

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Deya Yankopoulou_web

Deya Giannakopoulou

Preschool teacher
Nadia Ivanova_web

Nadya Ivanova

Primary English Language - Cambridge International
Петя Демебукова_c

Petya Demebukova

Preschool teacher

Petya has been a primary and preschool teacher in Bulgaria and the UK. She had piano lessons for more than 10 years and her skill in playing the piano helps her interact with the youngest children.

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Natalia Zaharieva_web

Natalia Zaharieva

Preschool teacher
Boriana Hristova_web

Boriana Hristova

Primary Math - Cambridge International
Angelika Lepoeva_web

Angelika Lepoeva

Primary English Language - Cambridge International

Coming soon...



Ralitsa Taseva

Music and drama

Ralitsa has gained vast experience in teaching Music at leading private and state schools. She is an inspiring musician who has performed on both Bulgarian and world’s stages. She has taken part in musicals and co-authored textbooks for students. She is, however, most satisfied working with schoolchildren.

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Elina Dashina


Elina has international experience in presenting the magic of music to children and boosting their potential. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”                  Plato

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Pavlina Shkodrova_web

Pavlina Shkodrova


Pavlina believes her mission is to be a bearer of the Bulgarian folklore tradition and to reveal it`s great diversity to her students. Pavlina`s style is influenced by both traditional methodology and interactive teaching methods, as well as her professional approach constantly evolve according children`s needs at the particular moment.

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Maria Assa


The art teacher Maria Assa graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia. She has been running art classes for children of different ages since 2007. Maria uses in her work creative techniques and materials artistically combined with children’s imagination.

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Yoana Ivanova

Yoana Ivanova


Daniela Bodurova


Mario Angelov


Mario took a keen interest in pottery as early as childhood. He learnt the art of woodcarving from a Bulgarian master craftsman for many years. Mario graduated from Vienna Academy of Art where he developed his talent in graphic arts, painting and sculpture.

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Teodor Petelov

Theatre & Rhetoric
Martin Assa_web

Martin Assa


Martin uses dancing to motivate the students to be more confident when performing in front of an audience. He is a co-founder of the uMove dance school where children and adults have been taught dancing for more than 10 years.

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Kapka Georgrieva-web

Kapka Georgieva

Ballet, Classic and World dance

Kapka has been teaching dancing to children aged 3 to 15 for over 12 years. She works with great passion and uses an individual approach to each child. Kapka is the teacher who helps children understand the concept of dancing as movement to music revealing their emotions and personality.

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Kristiana Ivanova

Kristiana Ivanova

Bg National Dances
Marina Yovchevska_web

Marina Yovchevska

Bg National Dances



Lachezar Rangelov

Health and Physical education (Volleyball, Football and Handball)

Mr. Rangelov is a former volleyball player and has extensive experience as a youth volleyball coach (CSKA and „Levski“) achieving success at prestigious competitions. He teaches sports at the Technical University and has been working as a PE teacher at several reputable schools.

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Plamena Koramenova

Volleyball & Sport

Plamena graduated the "Vasil Levski" National University and is currently a coach at VK Zvezdi94. She is a former professional volleyball athlete, played for Kazanlak Volley and VK Beroe.

Alexander Buyukliev_web

Alexander Buyukliev

Aikido Sensei

Alexander is a 4th Dan in Aikido and a 1st Dan in Jiu-Jitsu and is one of the instructors at CHOWA martial arts school. He was certified  by the National Sports Academy as a Jiu-Jitsu instructor and is currently studying Aikido.

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Izzi Start


Teodora Ivanova

EYFS Teacher, Manager

Teodora Ivanova is a certified elementary teacher and a Montessori teacher. She decided to change her career path a few year ago when she figured out that working with children aged 3 to 6 inspires and motivates her.

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Женя Гайдарова

Zhenya Gaydarova

EYFS Teacher

Zhenya has 12 years’ experience as a teacher to children of various ages at kindergarten and school. She is keen on a range of educational practices that she has adopted in her work. In class, she strives to nurture kids’ interests and to spark their curiosity about the world around them.

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Rositca Petkova-Koradjiiska

EYFS Teacher

Marchela Ivanova

EYFS Teacher

Coming soon...

izzi_int_marina2_02 (1)

Marina Valkova

EYFS Teacher
Boriana Tosheva_web

Boriana Tosheva

EYFS Teacher
Петя Томова

Petya Tomova

English Teacher

Petya combines her passion for music and teaching expertise to plan effective lessons that provide an enjoyable and educational experience for children.

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Pepa Kaneva

Nursery Teacher
Аделина Стоянова

Julia Tsoneva

Nursery Teacher
Силвия Живкова

Silviya Zhivkova

Teacher MoE

Silviya is a very responsible, patient and diligent teacher. Her aim is to support the development of each kid. Silvia helps the little ones to deal with their day-to-day challenges.

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Dariana Kamenova

Teacher MoE
Аделина Стоянова

Alexandra Borgovska

English Teacher
Аделина Стоянова

Lorina Traikova

English Teacher


Valentina Yorgova_web

Valentina Yorgova

Chief Accountant
Аделина Стоянова

Nadejda Angelova


Isabelle Basmadjian

Creative Director

Isabelle is our Photographer and Storyteller. She feels happy among children and her smile creates a friendly athomosphere for them during photoshootings. One should recongnize her smart and bright style in writing our blog posts, social media publications and weekly info mails towards Izzi Science`s community.

Аделина Стоянова

Veronika Neykova

International Programmes



Doroteya Voeva

Managing Director

Doroteya Voeva is the manager and founder of Izzi Science for Kids. She has a financial track record and business expertise that complement the team of skilled and experienced teachers in science, maths, languages, arts and sports.

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Галина Ташкова_c

Galina Tashkova

Administrative Director

Galina Tashkova is an outstanding professional with a wealth of educational expertise. She has over 15 years’ experience as an elementary teacher and over 18 years’ experience as a deputy head teacher at a secondary school.

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Mila Georgieva_web

Mila Georgieva

Deputy Director
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