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Environmental Science and Management


Key aspects

Environmental Management is concerned not only with the impact of humans on the planet but also with the patterns of human behaviour necessary to preserve and manage the environment in a self-sustaining way. Study is linked to the areas of new thinking in environmental management, environmental economics and the quest for alternative technologies. Case studies allow candidates to obtain a local as well as a global perspective.

Environmental Management recognises that human behaviour towards the environment is guided by the survival needs, perceptions and values of people. Underlying the syllabus there is a recognition that cultural, social and political attitudes directly influence the economy of nature. A core principle of the syllabus is that sustainability will only be achieved by changes in the ways in which people think and make decisions. A course in Environmental Management therefore calls upon learners to be participants in defining the future of their world.

Cambridge IGCSE Environmental Management encourages learners to:

Програма за здраве и благосъстояние на учениците

The Earth is what all we have in common

The purposes of a course are to enable students to acquire:

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